While getting ready for houseguests, I found myself scrubbing the tile in the shower. My sister, who lives with me and is six years younger, a fact relevant to this post, went to her yoga class and then was off to practice guitar with her bluegrass group. I was scrubbing the shower.
That prompted me to write this list of things I could be doing that would be more fun. For all of you who need some ideas of how to have fun (like you oldest children out there) feel free to share this list or use the ideas.
Things to do for fun
• read a book
• watch a movie
• go to a movie
• walk
• hike
• cook something interesting
• bake a cake for someone
• go to the gym
• swim
• do water aerobics
• dance
• listen to your favorite music from when you were a teen
• listen to beautiful classical music
• play music
• sing
• do a crossword puzzle
• do a jigsaw puzzle
• watch a funny tv program
• go to a museum
• go to an art gallery
• write a poem
• paint a painting
• invite friends for a potluck and let them help clean up
• play a game
• go to a yoga class
• do an exercise class on tv
• take a walk with a friend
• play with your dog
• play with your cat
• watch a Nature program on PBS
• knit a hat
• ski
• walk in the snow
• make a bucket list, then make plans to do one
• plant an herb garden—inside if it’s cold, outside if it’s warm
• call an old friend just to say hi
• color a mandala or in an adult coloring book
• do some origami
• paint your toenails
• take some pictures with your phone
• do some work with clay
• browse a craft shop for ideas
• write a country western song
Some of these ideas will require you to go out to get supplies. That is part of the fun, and will mean that you must stop doing some boring work like scrubbing shower tiles. Life is more than a clean house (although, if you never clean your house, that can be a good project. More on that later, maybe.).