The following is from the preface of the book, In Sickness and In Health, I wrote with my husband, Jim, about his liver transplant experience.
“The moment of despair hit me in the parking garage attached to my office building. I realized I had nowhere else to turn to save my husband’s life. Over a three-year steady deterioration in his health, I had watched Jim go from an athletic, robust, fifty-year-old real estate developer and avid bicyclist to a thin, weak, gray-skinned medical patient in need of a liver transplant. We had run out of other possibilities.
Our ordeal began when Jim’s doctor told him that he needed a liver transplant but that his HMO would not provide or pay for the surgery. We went from shock to denial to naïveté. How could we pay for a $250,000 medical procedure and at the same time maneuver our way through a complex, insurance-driven medical system—without coverage?”
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