Marilyn C. O’Leary

Life Change Coaching, Books, and Events

Welcome! My name is Marilyn C. O’Leary I am a professional life coach who works with people working through issues of life change. If you are a retiree, a widow or widower, recently divorced, want to change careers or are experiencing another significant life transition, I can help. I am also an author who has written books about loss, serious and chronic illness, grief, resilience, and renewal.

Third Act of Life is my Blog where I talk about what it means to be in the third act of life, what it’s like being a widow after 50 years of marriage, and simply what it’s like to be alive in this world today.

Join my mailing list to learn about my events, book and poetry readings, and experiential workshops related to goal setting, life fulfillment, and finding joy.

Please go to my Events Page for an announcement of a Workshop in December on Resilience.


New Mexico Poetry Anthology

I am pleased to have a poem in the New Mexico Poetry Anthology of 2023. The Anthology is available from the UNM Press.

Learn more about my books.